Contact Us


We are happy to report that the SLBCF has been very responsive to the needs of many women who have been affected by breast cancer, since our formation.  The SLBCF has helped 23 women with various stages of breast cancer.  The financial assistance we send is to help with medical or personal expenses.  We respond to every request and through a verification process, we help those that we can, fight this dreaded disease. 

As you know, the funds we raise are through the generosity of good people.  Our fundraisers have been very productive, but we need your help to be able to raise awareness of what we do, and to be able to continue sending financial assistance.  

We have our 1st Shantel Lanerie Breast Cancer Foundation Half Marathon, 10 Mile, 5K Run / Walk scheduled for Saturday, November 23rd at the Gator's Den running trail in Manchac, Louisiana.  We'll have complete details of that event in the next two weeks.

There are a number of exciting things happening to and for the SLBCF.  We'll have more details as they happen.  Please know that everything we do will be a positive reflection on our sweet friend Shantel Lanerie.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, or need additional information at 504-382-9787.

